This basket is perfect for the family! Loaded with Homemade Preserves, Local Apple Chips, Chocolates, Roasted Nuts, Caramel Corn and so much more!
A perfect way to please your neighbors, friends or employer! Give the gift of local! Our Gift Baskets are available for Pick up in Store, Local Delivery and Ship across Canada
This basket is sure to please, and is bursting with fresh local food! This is an ideal gift for a family! (according to availability the products in t..
This basket is a delight of Local Food for any small family. It includes Local Preserves, jams, Pickles, Our Own Homemade Ketchup, and more! Buy Local..
This basket is filled with delightful local flavors and is guaranteed to please any family! Gift-giving has never been easier! Please note that the it..
Our charcuterie boards are filled with local foods and will delight any recipient! Each board is handcrafted by one of our local farmer neighbors in t..
This basket is filled with delicious treats! It includes an assortment of gourmet cheeses paired with locally made jam, guaranteed to delight anyone w..